In Monterey County we first began working with Impact Launch to host a program called Leadership for Community Transformation (LCT). The goal of LCT was to help create a County that thrives with opportunity and shared prosperity for all by training systems-oriented leaders who can move beyond siloed or competitive efforts to work across sectors and organizations, with the courage to change the status quo and move beyond traditional authority structures.

During the Covid-19 Pandemic this program was placed on hold as our teams reimagined what a training like this would entail while incorporating the evolving context and needs of our community. We are excited to share the newest extension of this program, now renamed Radical Transformational Leadership for Social Impact (RTL Impact). This program shares the same values and objectives as the previous LCT program that was so successful in our community but in a virtual format with optional focus areas. In Monterey County we first embarked on RTL Impact in a virtual format where the programming was offered in both English and Spanish. 

For information on future opportunities to participate in RTL Impact please visit https://www.impactlaunch.org/rtlimpact



  • Build the skills, knowledge, competency, and inner-capacity of participants to design and produce sustainable social change.
  • Combine core concepts of Collective Impact as well as the leadership, civic engagement, and project design skills for large scale social change.
  • Outline the Conscious Full-Spectrum approach to create a cohesive strategy for creating sustainable change.
  • Source common values that lend themselves to manifesting our goals, creating a container of community engagement that shifts the way we create results.
  • Become a system oriented leader moving beyond siloed, individual or competitive efforts and work across organizations and sectors to transcend the status quo.
  • Move passion into action through practical principles and tools for shifting systems and norms for equitable sustainable change.

  • Build partnerships and connect the action to create measurable short and long term results.

  • Launch communication practices for creating a new narrative about economic opportunity.

  • Personal leadership development, tapping into and unleashing the powerful systems change leader in all of us and supporting others to do the same.

  • Activate and connect each initiative’s/community efforts’ contributions to create exponential change.

  • Transform how we do everyday activities – meetings, fundraising, communications, planning – to move the equity agenda forward.


Leaders and/or Change Agents working toward creating equity and economic opportunity in Monterey County.

People who are deeply invested in the wellbeing and prosperity of our entire community.

Participants thrive when they are willing to start with a beginner’s mind, are committed to equity and social justice, and value systems thinking.



Dr. Monica Sharma

Dr. Monica Sharma, trained as a physician and epidemiologist, worked for the United Nations since 1988 for 22 years. She has published and presented over 250 articles in journals and international forums.  Currently, she engages worldwide as an International Expert and Practitioner on Leadership Development for sustainable and equitable change.  She works with United Nations, universities, management institutions, governments, business, media and community organizations. She is the Tata Chair Professor at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai. As a practitioner, her proven track record of generating measurable results at scale, as well as enhancing leadership on every continent, is unique. She designs and facilitates programs for whole systems transformation and leadership development in both developed and developing countries. Using cutting–edge transformational approaches and methodologies, the purpose is to achieve measurable and sustainable change.  She also designs and implements workshops – ‘learning-in-action programs’ – with both business and nonprofit organizations on different aspects of Leadership Development for Sustainable Change. She is currently engaged with over 20 organizations worldwide.

Monica is now working to foster emerging leaders world-wide – proactively seeking out potential leaders, unleashing their power of effective creativity, enabling them to manifest their full potential. These leaders recognize the invisible, multiple patterns and systems that shape societal and planetary situations and actions; they distinguish, design and deliver actions sourced from self-awareness and empathy; manifest sustainable and equitable change, creating new patterns as they solve problems.

In 2009, Monica Sharma received “The Spirit of the United Nations Award”, given to a person whose work is an expression of the core principles, spirit and vision on which the United Nations was founded. Monica Sharma was honored because “of her inspirational leadership, skilled wisdom and devoted attention to the United Nations,…for guidance  in  developing effective strategic  frameworks for action for application world-wide…..that has manifested in effective programs and leadership development initiatives.” Monica Sharma also received the prestigious Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) 2009 Honorary Membership Award, for her contribution in fostering transformational leadership world-wide resulting in measurable change and for her strategic work with the Nightingale Initiative for Global Health (NIGH) related to nursing and health care.



Krista Hanni

Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Manager at Monterey County Health Department

“I have used the LCT training and tools to incorporate a values driven approach to my work with Impact Monterey County and also provide a greater focus on outcomes and impact in our Department’s Health in All Policies work. LCT has inspired me to be more courageous in my actions and more deliberate in empowering those around me. I have also found it a great complement to the training and tools I’ve been exposed to through our county’s Governing for Racial Equity Initiative.”

Michael Applegate

Data and Research Partnership Manager, Bright Futures Education Partnership Manager

“LCT provided a great opportunity to bring together leaders across numerous sectors to see where our values align and how we might collectively change systems to achieve positive results that impact people’s lives throughout our County.”

Keisha Frost

President and CEO, United Way of Santa Cruz County

“I am a paradigm shifter. I act in courage. I stand for dignity. LCT provided crucial transformational language to my leadership and work at United Way – This shifted the lens of my fund development outputs from check-marks toward monetary goals to operating for impact and shifting social conditions through my fund development expertise. LCT was instrumental in the development of my “Funding For Impact” model – it is driving change through intentional alignment and opening the space for donors to invest in community impact. My journey with LCT shakes up “business as usual” and continues to provide endless opportunities to do things differently.

Phil Kramer

Interim Executive Director, Homeless Services Center

“LCT provided me with new tools – a process methodology, and language framework – for tackling seemingly intractable and vexing community issues. With these tools we created a county-wide “All In” strategic plan to end homelessness, which was approved and supported by local government officials. LCT helped me find my voice, and listen in a new way. At times my feelings of injustice and anger would get in the way of true dialogue. LCT helps me express my personal passion in a way that builds a bridge of common ground, creating space for unexpected new alliances and collaboration.”

Monica Martinez

Executive Director, Encompass Community Services

“LCT has taught me the art of meeting day-to-day needs in our community while simultaneously changing the large scale systems they grew from, and this skill has helped to deepen Encompass Community Services’ impact in Santa Cruz County. Building on our strong direct service experience, we are moving our focus to the root causes that bring people in our doors in the first place. We are identifying and addressing the inequities that exist in our community. I frequently recommend LCT to my community partners because providing excellent services is no longer adequate, we need to work together to transform the systems that keep these disparities intact.”

Mireya Gomez

Program Director of Day Labor Center, Community Action Board

“After LCT I interact more intentionally with people and the task in front of me. I regained hope but not like I’ve been able to do at other trainings. LCT allows me to be the me I want to be, making the change I want to make, and in collaboration with those I strategically choose to work with. LCT can expand a person’s capacity to think AND DO beyond their current reach. LCT helps someone carry out their work more smoothly and easily. At least that’s how it feels to me. It also allows for someone to capitalize on mistakes in ways that are simply productive. LCT inspires reflection and action.”

Kaki Rusmore

Director, Center for Nonprofit Excellence at the Community Foundation for Monterey County

“LCT has helped me bring a greater focus on creating positive, sustainable, equitable change to my work and provided me with tools to help make that happen.  Returning regularly to the core values that guide my work helps build my leadership and helps me build the leadership of those around me.”

Don Lane

Santa Cruz City Council member

“LCT helped me to be more bold and more focused as I partnered with others to transform how our community takes on the challenge of homelessness. It has also given me a new framework and useful tools that are helping me speak about values in the public sphere. No matter what the issue you are working with, LCT can make a real difference in your effectiveness and clarity. I was surprised at how many practical tools were offered. I was not just inspired– I was ready to implement a plan of action. The entire experience was highly energizing.”

Kirsten Liske

Vice President of Community Programs, Ecology Action

“What I’ve learned in LCT is that when I start from what I am most passionate about and connect my words, actions and plans to my deepest values, their impact is truly transformative. This seems simple but I was surprised at how far away I was from practicing that regularly, even in my social change work. This new grounding and approach is very energizing and invites space for others to shine, contribute and lead from their passion too. I’m stoked and looking forward to continue to learn and grow with LCT practices with so many other awesome leaders in our community.”

Fernando Giraldo

Chief of Probation, Santa Cruz County

“To be a courageous leader, one that can transform systems, and be a game changer, you need to be firm in what you stand for, unafraid and bold. When you commit to your stand, action is inevitable. You must acknowledge your fears, but can’t let them hold you back; once this occurs you are free to achieve your greatness. LCT helped me firmly stand behind what I believe my role is in promoting justice and equity in our community. It helped me realize that being a good leader is about being trusted to bring results. LCT has helped me to be a game changer.”

Jacob Martinez

Founder & Executive Director, Digital Nest

“LCT was an instrumental part in the creation of the Digital NEST. The NEST was an idea in my head and through LCT became an idea grounded in principles of equality and justice. LCT provided me with a community of peers that encouraged and believed in me throughout the entire program. I graduated from that first stage with an inner strength that I still draw upon when things are challenging. The biggest surprise for me was how much I was able to connect with so many people here in the community. I made some lifelong friends during my time in LCT”